Gill and Cath are “Network Leaders of the Year”!

Gill and Cath are “Network Leaders of the Year”!

Many, many CONGRATULATIONS to Cath Rose and Gill Cockburn, of the University of Bradford’s n-able Network (@nablebradford), who WON “Network Leader of the Year” at the inaugural Inclusive Networks Awards 2015 (#INAwards2015) on 19th...
NADSN submits evidence to the House of Lords

NADSN submits evidence to the House of Lords

NADSN responded to the call for evidence by the House of Lords (@UKHouseofLords) Select Committee on “the Equality Act 2010 and Disability” (#HLDisabilityCom). We submitted our written evidence just now! A great example of team work! All...

Lords Select Committee reviews Equality Act 2010.

The House of Lords Select Committee on the Equality Act 2010 and Disability has invited evidence from interested individuals and groups on the effectiveness of the Equality Act 2010 for disabled people. The call for evidence is detailed here. The deadline for...

Hamied representing NADSN at HEFCE Workshop on E&D.

Hamied Haroon has been invited to represent NADSN at a preliminary workshop on HEFCE‘s E&D strategy in October 2015! Hamied hopes he will do good job! For Further Details Email: | Twitter: @nadsn_uk |...

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